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Regulated Drainage and Water Search

Drainage and Water Search (Regulated)

The Drainage and Water Search (Regulated) is a comprehensive alternative to the Official Drainage and Water Search (CON29DW).

This search provides the same relevant information as the CON29DW on sewers, foul water and the water supply to a property, ensuring property buyers are fully aware of their liability for pipe maintenance.

For any questions where answers are not publicly available, insurance is implemented to indemnify against any adverse entries.

Each report also includes a standardised map to show any foul sewer pipes, surface water sewer pipes, combined sewer pipes, main water pipes and decommissioned water mains pipes within the vicinity of the property.

Clients are protected by £2 million PI insurance on every report.


This report also advises whether responses are typical responses, whether the response requires some caution or whether a response is atypical and requires attention.

  • Official Search layouts depend on the water company, with our regulated report you will receive the same, clear format and summary on every report.
  • The report boasts a turnaround time of around 5 working days. 
  • There is a set fee nationwide and Regulated Drainage and Water Searches will be cheaper for you and your client.


Key features

Why this matters

Provides detailed information from the water company’s technical and asset database.

Gives client the most up-to-date information on drainage and water relating to the property.

Includes location plan showing water mains, public foul and surface water.

Client given easy-to-understand information.

Includes verification of Building-over Agreements and details of Section 104 Adoption Agreements.

Shows where building work has been carried out over existing pipes and confirms drainage system has been adopted by local authority.

Includes billing and metering information.

Informs client of water supplier and billing arrangements.

Fixed fee nationwide.

May be more cost-effective for client.

£2 million professional indemnity insurance on any one claim.

All professional parties involved in the property transaction are covered by the indemnity insurance.


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