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Official Drainage and Water Search

Official Drainage and Water Search CON29DW

The Law Society introduced CON29DW Drainage and Water enquiry in 2002, aiming to provide a standard form of drainage search in property conveyancing.

The report provides the most up-to-date information on water supply, the status of the sewer connection and the current billing arrangements – for example, is a water meter fitted?

This information was historically included in a local authority search, but that no longer applies, making as Drainage and Water Search an essential report for all property buyers.


Key features

Why this matters

Provides detailed information from the water company’s technical and asset database.

Gives client the most up-to-date information on drainage and water relating to the property.

Includes coloured location plan showing water mains, public foul and surface water meters in proximity of the property.

Client given easy-to-understand information.

Includes verification of Building-over Agreements.

Shows where any building work has been carried out over existing pipes.

Includes details of Section 104 Adoption Agreements on new property developments.

Confirms that drainage system has been adopted by local authority.

Includes billing and metering information.

Informs client of water supplier and billing arrangements.

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