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Searches UK announces new integration with Lexsure’s Report on Title Technology


Searches UK  announces new integration with Lexsure’s Report on Title Technology 

Searches UK have announced that they have integrated with Lexsure’s Report on Title platform, e-ROT, enabling conveyancing teams to forgo manually setting up cases on the reporting software. Instead, as a firm orders their search bundle the case will automatically be created pre-populated with data via Searches UK.  
With the Searches UK’s reporting integration, firms avoid any duplication of data, saving valuable time.

It’s a great example of conveyancing support services working together through integration to bring greater efficiencies and therefore value to their client firms.

Simon Seaton, CEO of Lexsure, said: ‘As one of the most respected and progressive search providers, Searches UK was an obvious strategic partner for our e-ROT system. Lexsure has a long history of working with Searches UK so they were clearly a natural fit for us to work with’ 

Lisa Summerton of Searches UK, says “It is clear the conveyancing market has been seeking an enhanced process to generate Reports on Title. Using the e-ROT integration will save firms time optimising the reporting process. We are continuing to provide our clients with the best possible integration and technologies.”

Firms looking to see what the e-ROT system looks like can attend a webinar for Searches UK firms scheduled for the 10th September. Bookings can be made here

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About Searches UK
Searches UK is a leading provider of residential and commercial conveyancing searches in England and Wales, offering competitively priced products and services. As a market leader in our field, we pride ourselves on delivering innovative and pragmatic solutions, excellent customer care and a service that our clients are completely happy with.

For more information about any of the products and services from Searches UK visit their website and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Alternatively call them directly on 0800 043 1815 or email them at to speak to one of their dedicated team today.


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