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Landmark RiskView Residential

Landmark RiskView Environmental Report

Riskview Residential is a comprehensive all-in-one environmental report combining the most accurate data with qualified expert advice to provide a clear and concise summary which can be copied into client reports.

Expert Professional Opinion

Riskview Residential provides a Professional Opinion on the risk of contaminated land part 2A liability as well as the risk of flooding. It provides full assessments and recommendations for:

• Ground Stability
• Climate change
• Coal • Radon
• Energy & Infrastructure
• Planning Constraints
• Planning Applications

Key Features

Why this matters

Concise, executive summary with maps dedicated for each risk type, where results and recommendations can be easily understood

Allows quick analysis of the results by both buyer and solicitor.

Uses best available data from industry experts including Environment Agency, JBA Consulting and BGS.

Assurance that the most up-to-date and best quality information is used in the preparation of the report.

Includes OS Mastermap location detail, the most detailed and accurate base map available, to quickly confirm the property address and boundary

Ensuring the correct property and boundary is searched every time 

Homebuyer ‘why we search this’ guidance and context throughout the report – explaining the purpose of the report and how to navigate it

Reduces queries from homebuyers and saves you time 

Includes climate change data and analysis as standard for complete understanding of the properties current and future risks

Ensures you’re fulfilling your duties regarding the climate change recommendations

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