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Report on Title Software

Report on Title Software

Is your firm one of the many to still using Word to create a new Report on Title by copying and pasting from a previous report? Using electronic Report on Title software will revolutionise the way you create your Reports on Title and guarantees to save you time and money, not to mention improving the quality, consistency and compliance of your reporting. Searches UK have partnered with Property Marvel to bring you PM ROT, a powerful and cost-effective alternative to copying and pasting and inferior products on the market.


Key Features

  •  Fast and responsive meaning building reports is efficient and saves you time
  • Visual in-line editing means you can watch the report being built as you fill in the questionnaire
  • Content is written and maintained by qualified, practicing solicitors who constantly review and amend. You also have the flexibility to create your own precedents and amend the contents of any part of a report within the product
  • Ensure your brand is maintained with full control over font, sizes of text, colours and add your logo
  • Easy integration with your CMS


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