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Chancel Check Searches

Chancel Repair Searches

always outlined on the title deeds of a property.

With around 5,200 pre-Reformation churches across England and Wales, chancel repairs potentially affect up to 500,000 homes. That makes instructing a Chancel Repair Search essential for those buying residential or commercial property.


The historic nature of chancel repairs means many liabilities are not recorded on title deeds, but they remain legally enforceable. A Chancel Check report will reveal whether a property is within a parish where a potential chancel repair liability exists.

When there is no risk of any liability for chancel repairs, a Certificate will be issued to confirm this.

When the report records that a property is located within a parish and potentially liable for chancel repair payments, Searches UK offers chancel liability insurance that will protect a home buyer against future costs.

Key features

Why this matters

Report return within 24 hours.

Clients can be assured of a fast response when a Chancel Check is commissioned.

Property will be screened using National Archives and County Records Office data.

The most up-to-date data is utilised to return the fullest information.

A Report is returned where a searched address is discovered to be within a parish that can claim for chancel repair costs and a potential liability exists.

Home buyers can purchase insurance to protect themselves against any future risk of chancel repair costs.

A Certificate is returned where a searched address is discovered to be within a parish that cannot claim for chancel repair costs and where no potential liability exists.

Home buyers can purchase a property secure in the knowledge they will not be pursued for chancel repair costs in the future.

Where a chancel repair risk is revealed, Searches UK offers optional chancel repair insurance.

Home buyers have a quick and cost-effective solution that will allow their purchase transaction to go ahead.

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