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Bomb Searches

Bomb Searches

Hundreds of thousands of bombs were dropped on the UK during the Second World War, and even today unexploded devices are regularly uncovered, particularly by builders during construction work.
According to a 2009 report from the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA), around 15,000 unexploded devices – ranging from bombs to small mortar rounds – were removed from UK construction sites between 2006 and 2008.
While almost all are removed or detonated safely with no harm to life or property, those undiscovered explosives do present a hidden risk to those buying land or property.
A Bomb Search report will provide accurate Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) information and risk assessment by analysing more than 40 different data sets from a nationwide geospatial database of UXO threats.
The desktop report conforms to current best practice developed by CIRIA and endorsed by the Health and Safety Executive.
Ideal for sites or properties where the risk from unexploded ordnance is not known, the report is guaranteed to be returned within two working days.
Searches UK offers two options: Preliminary Bomb Search or Detailed Bomb Search.

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