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D&D EnviroRetail

D&D EnviroRetail

The EnviroRetail is specifically designed to help inform and support purchase or investment decisions for small commercial retail properties, where the principle activity is the sale or display of goods or services to walk-in members of the public.

This report provides a full professional risk assessment across contaminated land, flood and ground stability risks.

Free remediation warranty: passed EnviroRetail environmental reports come with zero excess land-contamination remediation warranty for 6 years, up to £100,000.

Air Quality rating: from EarthSense, the UK’s leading air quality experts. Free Further Action review: upon evidence of remediation, within 48 hours.

Full flood reporting: flood thumbnails detailing each type of flood risk and JBA’s Floodability rating, providing an overall rating of flood risk.

Professional opinion: across the entire report, with clear outcomes.
Subsidence risk rating: accurate to the individual postcode, providing an instant rating and a clear summary of the risk, based on actual insurance claims.

Affordable next step solutions: to keep the transaction moving forward and deliver peace of mind for buyers:

Key Features

Why this matters

Analyses the key environmental risks, including those on contaminated land, pollution and air quality, pylons and electricity lines

Comprehensive coverage of environmental risks around property gives client full information.

Analyses the key flood risks, including river, sea, surface and ground water, historic flooding and flood insurability.

Reveals all potential flood risks that may affect the property or land and any potential for insurers to refuse cover.

Reveals key risks from subsidence, all types of current and historic mining, landslides and sink holes, in-filled land.

Provides essential information to allow a buyer to make an informed decision.

Turnaround of 2 working days.

Fast response benefits clients.

£10 million PI insurance on any one claim.

All professional parties involved in the property transaction are covered by the indemnity insurance.


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